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THE RUMPH Home » Browse The Rumph Pieces » Sculptures » Rumph original studio sign

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Rumph original studio sign
Rumph original studio sign #1
Added by:
Laura Miller
from Santa Monica, CA on 01/29/2012

Rumph original studio sign #2
Supersize It!

Added by:
Laura Miller
from Santa Monica, CA on 02/10/2012

Rumph original studio sign

This is Rumph's original studio sign. Large, ceramic high relief of nude balet dancer, head of medusa, three breasts, holding comedy and tragedy masks. Has ceramic scroll work reading, "Creative productions by Rumph." Condition is perfect.

Produced: ?
Rarity Ranking :
Added on: 05/14/2003
Added by: Henry Miller (email me!) from Los Angeles

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I bought this sign from Rumph at an early Renaissance Pleasure Faire. We had each already drunk too much beer
Added by Henry Miller from Los Angeles on 05/14/2003

"A Rumph mug is never empty." Rumph always kept a keg of ale in his booth at the Renaissance Faire, the spigot pouring from a gargoyle's mouth. My father, who played the Sheriff of Nottingham at the Faire, was one of his drinking buddies, and eventually Rumph sold him the sign. At one time, Rumph and my father discussed doing a coffee table book of Rumph's art (my father was an editor at a publishing firm). The sign was to be the cover.
Added by Laura Miller from Santa Monica, CA on 01/29/2012