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The Fat Naked Lady

She comes completely loaded. And I mean loaded.... Her features include a right dripping nipple, a pretty little bow in her hair, and she is sitting on a tinnie, winnie stool. Another highlighted feature is her extreme dark, wide and extra dirty butt crack, and let's not forget her cottage cheese thighs. She also has long dirty hair and a couple of extra neck rolls. She is sitting at the bus stop waiting for her Knight in Shining Armore to sweep her off her gentle fragile tiny feet. The photos of her side profile appear to show she is cracked in half. But, this is actually just part of her detailed appearance. She is a dirty, trampy looking woman with a sore on her lip from when she fell off the stool. This is an unmarked piece from the 70's collection. Measures 5.25" tall and 3.25" across. **I know this piece is authentic Rumph because I grew up next door to "Gracie" who worked for many years with Jim making these items. She actually brought many home from work over the years.

Produced: ?
Rarity Ranking :
Added on: 09/24/2003
Added by: M Perez from Riverside, CA
Estimated Value : RUMPH Prices

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