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Stone-throwing Ogre Tankard

AKA: Ogre Lidded Stein

Tankard in the shape of an ogre who has a naked woman sitting on his head. The ogre is about to throw a black stone. The ogre's head pops up to get to the blue inside. Marked "© RUMPH 1974" on the bottom.

Produced: 1974
Rarity Ranking :
Added on: 01/19/2003
Added by: THE RUMPH Webmaster (email me!) from Dallas, TX
Estimated Value : RUMPH Prices

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This is the only lidded stein I know of in the Rumph archives. It stands 9" tall x 7" wide x 5" deep.
Added by Bud Luskus from York, PA on 02/23/2003

I have one of these, which is very similar in coloration to the webmaster's. My stone, however is glued in with that thick flexible "rumphy" glue Jim used on some other things I've seen. Also, my lid is hinged with leather instead of twine.
Added by Kelly Mann from Florence AZ on 08/29/2003

Mine has a green stone.
Added by Rob from Forestville, California on 12/19/2005

I am still searching, but mine came with a small pamphlet that stated it was a fertility tankard, I am trying to find it! Mine is in great shape, rock glued in to the hand and a leather tie to keep the lid on.
Added by Ed Silveira from Northern California on 12/22/2006

On your site, he's called a "Stone-throwing Ogre Tankard". I was always under the impression that he was presenting the stone to the maiden as a gift. She's facing it, and he's looking up at her - probably waiting to see what her reaction will be. Since so many of Jim's early works are concerned w/ the old "beauty and the beast" story line, has anyone considered this way of viewing the piece?

Added by W. R. Barney Jr. from Winchester, VA on 04/22/2007

Mine had a pink tongue - only one I've ever seen that way
Added by ceramarte1 from Barstow, Ca on 02/08/2008

Mine still has the tag attached. According to th tag his mermaiden is named scrumptous and this is a stoneware fertility tankard. The copyright on mine is 1972. He is holding a black rock and has a leather tie holding his top on.
Added by Laurie Stables from Massachusetts on 04/22/2008

Mine has a tag on it "Gem Grabbing Maiden Covered Mug"
Added by Joe Hemphill from Kissimmee, Florida on 02/12/2009