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Magical Chalice

AKA: Double-faced Goblet

This unusual cup on a pedestal is 7.25" high and has a Green Glaze interior. It is quite difficult to locate in any condition. It is more Tan than Brown like the picture shows it. Marked "RUMPH 1971 U.S.A." on the bottom.

Produced: 1971
Rarity Ranking :
Added on: 02/07/2003
Added by: Vic Kroll (email me!) from Punta Gorda, FL
Estimated Value : RUMPH Prices

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Added Information:

Rumph Chalice - Marked with runic symbols and the busts of an ogre on one side and a demon opposite. One side has the Rumph hand symbol and an R encircled on the stem, the opposite side a scarab, the Rumph family monogram and the word "LOVE" in the secret language of The Rumph. Value $350.
Added by Bud Luskus from York, PA on 03/30/2003

My piece looks like a dark tan with a green tint.
Added by Sandy Locke from Roswell, NM on 05/31/2003

Also comes in creamish-tan color.
Added by THE RUMPH Webmaster from Dallas, TX on 09/27/2003

Looking at the pictures already on the site, it appears that the base of the goblet is reversed on the one I own.
Added by Cyndy Malott from Phoenix, Az. on 12/05/2003